

Freelancers is a comedy series dramatizing the realities of freelancing. Following the lives of two creative freelancers and their friends, each episode is about getting gigs and chasing checks and living self-employed in Minneapolis. But beyond that, it’s about people surviving.

In 2020, there were 59 million people doing freelance work in the United States, and a recently laid off Colin just joined their ranks.

His wife Kate has been self-employed for the duration of their relationship, and while she’s understandably bummed to lose Colin’s sweet corporate health insurance, Kate believes in people following their dreams, and encourages Colin to go for his. The two learn fairly quickly that sometimes, the dream can be a nightmare!

Why we believe this show should exist.

We believe this show will highlight the realities of freelancing through an observational, artistic lens; given our extensive experience with the highs and lows of self-employment, we know we’re the right people for the gig of bringing this show to life.

What sets our show apart?

It’s based on true stories we’ve lived through or ones that have been told to us by our friends. This rooting in reality results in candid dialogue and genuine characters that are relatable and funny without being a parody.

The pilot is a hopeful and determined glimpse into the world of two unlikely freelancers who will not give up – for better or worse. Sometimes, much worse.

Help us Fundraise

Our goal is to raise $20,000 to film the pilot, and all funds received will be used to cover production costs. As the creators/writers/director/producer/editor of the show, we (Kylee and Christian) will not be getting paid, which drastically reduces the amount of money we need to raise.

It is a Minneapolis production through and through, and we are excited to hire fellow local artists and creatives through this project.